Hold the Fridge.

A world in a whole other world.

I read the most intriguing blogs.
I day dream.
I plan amazing weddings.
I plan awesome fundraisers.

I love dinner parties.
I want to document life.
As fast as it goes.

I have all these {amazing} ideas!
I do!

But then I go to blog.
And it happens...

Hold the fridge. 

I get on with my day.
Ideas  start FLOWING!

What is going on.

Sorry I have been MIA.
Sorry I have been scatter brained.

I will return.
I plan to with good intentions.

It just may be, random.

That is what my blog is. 



TRUTH: I need your help.

So I have been thinking. 
{No it does not hurt}

November is here THIS WEEK

I am turning [30] in a few short weeks. 
Scary. Anxious. Nervous. Sad. 
Mixed feelings to say the least.

Thanksgiving will be here one day after my birthday.
Best. Holiday. Ever. Hands. Down.

And I need help motivating myself 
and in turn will help others

For 21 days. 
ONLY 21 days. 
Start a new rountine.

I am doing three things differently come November 4.
Come on, starting on a Monday is cake and helps keep me accountable. 

1. Eating more veggies and proteins and giving up on the starches. 
I will share my recipes, You can share yours too!

2. Kicking up my fitness to 25 mintues in the morning for 5 days (Monday - Friday). 
I will be doing a program called T25
You can head to your gym, 
run around your block, 
flip on the TV and 
do any fitness program. 
Your Choice!

3. Being more positive. Saying those kind words. Thinking positively.
Let's change the inner me too.  

Easy peasy. Right? 

I need help with this. 
Will 5 people join me? 

We will hold each other accountable.

A text in the morning.
An email checking in during the day.
A facebook message asking how it is going.
A weekly phone call.
A drive by (if you are close by).
Anything, yes anything to stay on task for 21 days.

I will help YOU too in the same measures or where your weakness comes in.
I WILL BE THERE FOR YOU. friends style.
do you have that song in your head now?

This is what I need. 
Don't you need it too?

A C C O U N T A B I L I T Y.

There is no denying it. 
I need it and I am asking for help.
Your lovely faces help. <3 

Message me if you are up for it. 
taylor {dot} montgomery 3 {at} gmail {dot} com

No gimmicks. 
No tricks. *It is after Halloween on purpose*
Just me + you (and 4 others).
Getting in a rountine to make it stick. 
Becoming life friends. Aww so sweet!

Let's do this TOGETHER! 

Can't wait for this journey.
But I need your help.


Miley + AriZona Iced Tea

read it. it won't disappoint.

(Source) & (Source)

Thank you Jim Sterch.


Hello Life

Life is overwhelming at the moment. 
I cannot seem to catch my breath!

Lately I have been running around like a chicken who, you know, got its head cut off! 
I kind of don't like that statement but its true if you have ever watched it before!

Here is a summary of the last two + months:

August consisted of me heading back to school.
Why did I want to do this?
That is right, there is a reason for my madness....MONEY. ;)

September, well, I think because I am diving head first into 
well, everything, work got a little over zealous. 
And I felt a lot like this:

But it is October now. Hello October!

Two weeks in and it is looking bright! 
Be back to tell you more later.

Hope all is well with you lovelies. 
